powrnami homapooja for Child Birth..!

Powrnami Homa pooja for Couple's child Birth...!

Child birth pooja in Powrnami Day...!
some of the rich family there is a lot of luxuris are available in and around the family.
But there is no child crying sound in their house. child birth is a main asset of any one in this world. If any person got married past five years ,and in his life there is no a single child birth, it is a very very sadable moment he is facing.
why the child birth are impossible in human life?it is are rearchable subject.In astrologicale point with refering the ancesters record we can calculate it very simply. mainly the sukran,Rahu,kethus are a main planet related this child birth matter.sukran is added in the same house situation is give some troubles.In the sixth place of our horoscope wecan see the sukran, rahu kethus relationship suryan sukran added and closing stage are the main reason for the breaking of the child birth in all families. there is a relation ship in our nominator creation is withy our ancesters pithru pooja and their cermonies.
some of the rich&modern life takers are prevent our pithru pooja is waste, thay thought the ancesters poja is afoolish activity in our routine in our life.They prevent it regularly.
We must pray our Family God..!
In modern life some human liablities are prevented as it is one of the wasted activity in our life.
1. kuladeiva prarthna poja
2.Ancesters pithru poja
3.Navagraha parihar poja for our better life.
4.No confidence withour religious liablities.Hence we can take confidence with our sastras & vedic rules.The Gathyayani Amman temple is giving the Guidelines to your best child birth.
POWRNAMI POOJA med Prasad..!
In every powrnami day evening 6pm, the temple admin is arranged to perform a powerful Bala gathyayani yagna and give the med prasad to all of the Couples who attend the pooja time for free of cost.It is prepared with the temple mooliga herbal of hill Vembu holy tree.all are welcome to get
the Blessing of Gathyayani devi.Om subham.